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Synchronising Flash at 1/8000th sec

I’m a serious photographer, and I do serious stuff, honest! However, this was just out and out childish fun 🙂 Lencarta have launched a new high speed transceivers for Nikon cameras, the Mach 1N. I was lucky enough to be given some pre-production models to put through their paces. Now, I’d been told they weren’t utilising a tail hack, which piqued my interest, as I’d

Synchronising Flash at 1/8000th sec2020-10-19T17:23:37+01:00

Pro Hair After Show Party

I work very closely with Mark Jackson of Passion 4 Events, and the variation in briefs can be quite something. From huge outdoor proms, right down to managing weddings on the day, with everything inbetween! On this occasion, it was the Pro Hair after show party, and it was to be quite an evening. The event was actually organised in conjuction with Rachel Mason of

Pro Hair After Show Party2020-10-19T17:23:38+01:00

More headshots for Catherine Boden

Some of you may recall the portfolio shoot I did for Catherine Boden of Glamorise, a makeup artist and stylist from Manchester. These images were part of a wedding brochure shoot for Calthwaite Hall, and another entry will cover the actual shoot for their brochure at a later date. Due to a number of circumstances, not least the fact the ambient light disappeared as the

More headshots for Catherine Boden2020-10-19T17:23:43+01:00

Lencarta Location Lighting Courses, Lancashire

NOTE: New courses  This year’s courses are to run roughly once per month. Each day has a full itinerary starting at 1000hrs with a basic introduction to off camera flash (OCF), often referred to as strobist technique. Equipment requirements and capabilities are discussed and utilised to illustrate how to get the most from the least equipment.

Lencarta Location Lighting Courses, Lancashire2020-10-19T17:23:44+01:00

The Rock Climber

I was given the task of finding images that would relate the qualities of various pieces of Lencarta equipment without the need for huge amounts of texts etc, and would work well for their product catalogue. Some of these images were a little tongue in cheek, whilst others conveyed their message quite strongly. When it came to the Safari Li-on, at first I wondered as

The Rock Climber2020-10-19T17:23:46+01:00

Food Photography in Preston

Of all the subjects I photograph, I tend to find food photography more demanding than most. The chef wants it to convey everything he’s put into the preparation, along with detail and texture. The ambience of the restaurant has to register too, with a feeling the food belongs in that particular setting.

Food Photography in Preston2020-10-19T17:23:47+01:00

Senior Location Portrait

This was a shoot that had been promised for a number of years. The young lady is in fact my niece, Chelsea, and some time ago I said I’d organise a portrait session for her. Well, time soon slipped by, and the 120 miles between us doesn’t help.

Senior Location Portrait2020-10-19T17:23:48+01:00

International Aid Trust

On a quiet industrial estate near Preston, is a warehouse that is stacked floor to ceiling with all sorts of items, ready to be shipped out to various parts of the world in dire need . This is the hub of The International Aid trust.

International Aid Trust2020-10-19T17:23:48+01:00
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