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Vehicle Photography in the UK

  I have to say, I do enjoy photographing vehicles. Automotive photography in all its forms, and not necessarily the fastest, sleekest sports cars either. I just like creating the best image I can for my client. My client? Actually, on this occasion, my client is a marketing company, Moo Creations. They gave me an interesting, if very short brief. “We have a client who

Vehicle Photography in the UK2020-10-19T17:22:46+01:00

Cosplayer Photography

  This was a bit of fun. Something to prove I don’t just “work” and I have a real life outside the studio, or something like that. A horror cosplay shoot organised by the wonderful Hazel Riddle, friend, photographer and a general tormentor.

Cosplayer Photography2020-10-19T17:22:47+01:00

Model Portfolio Photography

  Model portfolio shoots are often daunting for both the model and the photographer. Often, it’s the first shoot for a model wanting to start a new portfolio. For the photographer, it can be a lot of work building the relationship and helping the model find their feet and feel comfortable.

Model Portfolio Photography2020-10-19T17:22:51+01:00

Food Photography

  All my food photography is client driven. Whether that’s restaurants, hotels, recipe books or Getty Images, the brief and styling is usually someone else’s decision.

Food Photography2020-10-19T17:22:51+01:00
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